Monday, September 29, 2008

A few more pics of our special day!

Here are some more pics!! Leslie took some FANTABULOUS photo's at the wedding and dinner, but I don't have the disc yet, but when I get it I'll post them for sure. Enjoy!

The fam!
And what are we looking at...??...oh Maggie I'm sure! ;) look so natural holding those flowers!
Gerald is the man!
The girls, Deb, me, Val,Wanda!
Again...why am I holding the flowers up to my chin I have no clue?
Deb, Maggie, Dev, Wanda, Val & Jordyn
The Boys, Matt kev, Scott & James
and again! they look slick!
Me and the boys!
Me, Kev ,Mom Bonnie & you can see little Lily
Me, Kev, & mom Bonnie
With this ring.....

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Gathering

As most of you already know....Kevin and I were Married on September-3rd at Boulevard park
with a few Family and Friends. Maggie's blog is such a hit I thought it would be fun to share our wedding day also!
Stay tuned.... MORE much MORE pics to come!
In this one we have me fussing with Maggie while Debbi is holding her, my girlfiendfriend Tammy (blonde curly) and my other girlfriend Wanda with her Hubby Murry and their son Steven
Kevin here....looking like he's telling a fishing "tall tail", haha!
My brother Steve and I hugging our hello's and that's my sister Teri in the back!
Kevn coming back from walking down the boardwalk to see how the other beach looked.

My sis Lori!!!
Strike a pose their Maggie Mae Williams and soon to be Mommy Williams! :) (she was oh so very tired this day, to much activity for the A.M.)

My girlfriend val is holding Maggie while I sunscreened her up and their is my bro David checking things out.

Looks dark but it's totally not??? Me greeting my girl Tam!
Again with the sunscreen! :) And looky who it is...My brother in-law!
This is what is called the pre-funk! ha!
My brother in-law Matt and my sister in-law Becky holding my niece Lily (Matt and Bev's Daughter). Unfortunalty Matt's wife Bev had to work this day, total bummer...I feel so bad, but she did sneak in at somepoint. Sure made me happy when I saw her.
Jim & Bonnie to the left Kev's Mom and Dad (mine too now), and Doug and Becky (Kev's sister and brother in law).
The only people that I haven't already introduced are Sarah and James back left....James is Kev's buddy/groomsman from Spokane, then the Black tank top girl is Wanda and Murry's Daugher Mae...(Who I stole the name Mae from...).